At one point in my academic pursuits I would have considered myself an apologist - a defender of the Christian Faith. I was more interested in understanding the ancient languages and texts as they related to the theology of the Bible and its inherent value to all people. That was where I could really sink my teeth into things that seemed to suggest the attention to minutia of the mind of God. Why was this word used in this passage, when that word seemed to be more common in the ancient world?
Usually, one questions leads to another, and the investigative process starts to pull at the threads of what seemed to be a tightly woven tapestry of faith. Why would Paul seem to have such an oppressive view of women, and why would God be OK with it? Why would God choose a box for the design of the ark? Why was there only one family worthy of escaping judgment? Why was there only one pair of reproducing humans in the Garden? Why was there only one great leader (Moses), one great king (David), one nation worthy of engaging in a covenant relationship with G-d (Israel), one God (amid the pantheon), one Saviour, one collection of ancient texts that is "divine" (Why would the Bible be the singular go-to text amid all the other ancient sacred texts in Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Judaism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc,)? Why is Earth the only planet with life (as we know it, so far)?
That any God, armed with an infinity of Bruce-Almightiness power would be doing "one-off" of anything is a bit perplexing in a cosmos that appears to have at the least a binary code at the root of things, and a multiverse of possibilities. At some point, the many questions of "Why?" seem to boil down to one response: "Why Not?" And I'm no longer convinced that "Why Not?" is an adequate answer.
